The Piedmont Environmental Council

The Piedmont Environmental Council
The Piedmont Environmental Council
Now one of the most effective community-based environmental groups in the country, PEC works with the citizens of our nine-county region to conserve land, create high-quality communities, strengthen rural economies, celebrate historic resources, protect air and water quality, build smart transportation networks, promote sustainable energy choices, restore wildlife habitat, and improve people's access to nature.
Rather than leaving change to chance, PEC encourages active citizen participation in planning the future of this region. We support initiatives that lead the way toward more energy-efficient communities, and we’re advancing local food initiatives that help renew healthy connections between people and the land.
PEC’s nine-county region stands out as one of America’s most successful areas for private land conservation. Our energetic outreach and assistance enables people of the Piedmont to act on their love for the land. As a result, residents of this region have protected more than 400,000 acres.
PEC recognizes that the vitality of our towns and cities and the health of our environment are closely linked, and we bring rural, suburban and urban interests together to plan for the region’s future. By encouraging investment in attractive, livable urban centers and suburban areas, we relieve pressure to convert forests and farmland to speculative development. When we protect our rural lands, we steward the natural resources that we all depend on -- bettering our health and quality of life.
45 Horner Street
Warrenton, VA 20186