The Fauquier Hospital Auxiliary, Inc.

The Fauquier Hospital Auxiliary, Inc.
The Fauquier Hospital Auxiliary, Inc.
The Fauquier Hospital Auxiliary, Inc., initially organized as the Women's Auxiliary of Fauquier Hospital in 1954, fulfills its mission and serves the community by providing a gift shop, home care shop, patient gift cart, escort service, pet therapy program, jewelry and uniform sales as well as sponsoring the Junior Volunteer Program. Each Christmas, Fauquier Health is decorated by the Auxiliary and its volunteers.
With our fundraising during 2016, we were able to award eight health-related scholarships in the amount of $20,000 and donated $5,000 to support the five two-day medical camps held June and July 2016. Also in 2016, we established the Liberty Cancer Care Fund which is used exclusively for cancer patients.
Our members are energetic, creative and dedicated. As important as our fundraising efforts and our financial contributions have been, we feel that our hours of volunteering are very important to our organization. In 2016 there were a total of 200,000 volunteer hours.
In addition to all the programs already being supported, a new grant application process is being put in place now, to allow us to discover new health-related initiatives to support.
53 Main Street
Unit 977
Warrenton, VA 20186