Services To Abused Families, Inc. (SAFE)

Services To Abused Families, Inc. (SAFE)
Empowering survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault
Services To Abused Families, Inc. (SAFE)
There are many who think we are only an emergency shelter for people who need to flee an abusive situation. However, our organization encompasses so much more! We provide a safe and comforting atmosphere for families who need to escape imminent danger. Our shelter helps transition families into and out of the shelter to ensure their time with us is free from danger. We also provide additional support, such as one-on-one supportive counseling, support groups, and crisis intervention via our 24-hour Hotline. Additionally, we provide advocacy services such as court accompaniment and/or assistance with obtaining and reissuing of protective orders or stay away notices. Our services not only cover men and women, but are also available to children through our Children's Program. Our Hispanic Outreach Coordinators provide those same overall services to the underserved Latino population in the five counties that we serve. Each and every service we offer is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. It is vitally important to us to ensure the community is aware of our organization and the vast amount of services we offer. We are the only program in our service area that provides shelter support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Domestic violence and sexual assault affects everyone. Help us raise awareness and continue our services by investing in SAFE. Ultimately, YOU can save a life.
P.O. Box 402
Culpeper, VA 22701