Rappahannock League for Environmental Protection

Rappahannock League for Environmental Protection
Preserving the natural resources and rural character of Rappahannock County
Rappahannock League for Environmental Protection
The Rappahannock League for Environmental Protection promotes environmental public education, advocates for good community planning, and defends the quality of the Rappahannock County environment. In all our activities, we are guided by a sense of values rooted in the preservation of Rappahannock County's priceless natural resources; its farm land, scenic beauty, and rural character. We support policies and actions that protect and enhance these gifts and oppose those that threaten to destroy or degrade them. Most of us live in Rappahannock County because it offers gorgeous scenery and a quiet, rural way of life. But we also love this County because it gives us the opportunity to be in close touch with nature. While poison ivy and hordes of ladybugs and stink bugs may be the price we pay, we willingly do so to see bald eagles fishing the local rivers, bears eating berries along the trails we hike, and trillium and dogwood blooming in our woodlands in the Spring. We enjoy the fact that nature is, literally, abundantly at our door. We encourage you to join now to help preserve the rural and natural landscapes of Rappahannock County, Virginia for a lifetime!
PO Box 94
Washington, VA 22747