Rappahannock Culpeper Baseball

Rappahannock Culpeper Baseball
Youth baseball for Rappahannock, Culpeper, and Fauquier counties
Rappahannock Culpeper Baseball
We are a division of the Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Baseball League. ALL participants are volunteers; from board members, coaches, managers, down to the all-important team moms. We volunteer our time and energy so that the children in our area will have a fantastic place to play and learn America’s favorite past-time, baseball!
We are fortunate to have a five baseball field complex. This facility serves as the site for all of our practices and most of our games. Captain and Mrs. Stuart, both long-time county residents, donated this 9-acre complex to the youth of our area to play the Captain's favorite sport. The community was left with the task of taking care of the fields. With your financial support and the contributions of numerous volunteers, Stuart Field remains intact for the present and future generations of baseball players in Rappahannock, Culpeper & Fauquier counties. We are comprised of 5 leagues: T-ball, Rookie ball, Minor, Majors, and Babe Ruth. We pride ourselves on our unique complex. We invite you to join us, five miles west of Clevenger's Corner, “where the sun rises and sets over baseball." Come and enjoy the total youth baseball experience!
19 Carter Ln
Amissville, VA 20106
$100 funds scholarships for 1 to 2 players for 1 season (depending on age)
$450 funds 1 team for 1 season
$700 funds 1 load of infield dirt to help keep a field playable
$1,500 funds a section of much needed fencing on 1 field