Rappahannock County High School Band Boosters

Rappahannock County High School Band Boosters


To support the general instrumental music program of RCHS

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Rappahannock County High School Band Boosters

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The Rappahannock County High School Band Boosters operates to promote, further, and advance the development of instrumental music, and to encourage participation and stimulate interest among students specifically at RCHS and its feeder schools. We also provide support to the general instrumental music program of RCHS and recognize outstanding musicianship, encourage high standards of learning in music, and provide scholarship benefits to graduating students of RCHS. Lastly, we do all that is necessary and proper for the accomplishment of these purposes, to the highest degree of efficiency, in full cooperation with administration and the instrumental music staff of RCHS. No part of any net earnings of the Association shall benefit any member or members of the Association, other than students. Help us support students in the RCHS Band!

PO Box 444

Washington, VA 22747