Rapp at Home

Rapp at Home
Fostering a community of seniors in Rappahannock County
Rapp at Home
Rapp at Home is a member organization of seniors in Rappahannock County joining together to have fun, keep active, and help each other stay safe and comfortable in our own homes. We are a pioneer in creating a senior village in a rural setting. We believe a strong, independent, and contributing senior population benefits the entire community.
Rappahannock County is a special way of life we all value. We provide that extra neighbor-to-neighbor assistance to help us sustain our independent lifestyle and continue to enjoy this unique place we call home. We link members to needed services, and offer stimulating and interesting social and fitness activities. Annual membership fees are modest, and are reduced or free for those with financial need. Membership is open to people age 50 and over who live in Rappahannock County and contiguous areas. Help us foster a community of seniors in Rappahannock County.
567 Mt Salem Ave #3
Washington, VA 22747