Piedmont Symphony Orchestra

Piedmont Symphony Orchestra
Bringing memorable performances and the very best music in the beautiful Piedmont region
Piedmont Symphony Orchestra
The PSO is a special group of people from all walks of life...we are truly a musical family working to share our love of music with you at every performance! We are particularly proud of its community youth outreach programs. In 2001, the PSO initiated its annual Young Artists' Competition to provide area students the chance to compete for scholarship prizes. Since the inception of this competition, the PSO has awarded over $45,000 in scholarship funds. In 2013, the PSO launched its Music Mentors Program providing a hands-on two-day residency for all Fauquier County middle and high schools. This year, the PSO launched a pilot program for bands in two schools. Our goal is to offer this program to all Fauquier County middle and high school orchestra and band programs every year. Your generous donation will help us keep the arts alive for our community. With the full support of a Board who shares our love of music, we endeavor to bring you memorable performances and the very best music right here in the beautiful Piedmont region.
PO Box 509
Warrenton, VA 20188