Piedmont Area Soap Box Derby Foundation

Piedmont Area Soap Box Derby Foundation
Youth racing program serving the Piedmont area
Piedmont Area Soap Box Derby Foundation
The Soap Box Derby is a youth racing program which has run nationally since 1934. The idea of the Soap Box Derby grew out of a photographic assignment of Dayton, Ohio, newsman Myron Scott. He covered a race of boy-built cars in his home community and was so impressed with this event that he acquired a copyright for the idea and began development of a similar program on a national scale. In the summer of 2002, Tony Troilo and his sister, Frankie, were trying to decide what to do for Rosson & Troilo's 75th Anniversary; a family owned & operated business. Tony wanted to do something for the community; something that would give back for all the patronage the community had shown the family for the past 75 years. Instead of a big anniversary sale, the Soap Box Derby came to mind. He decided that a community event involving families would be the climax of their Anniversary Celebration. After many meetings, the Soap Box Derby of Culpeper was planned for the last Saturday of June 2003. Thirty-five drivers participated in a double elimination race that took the town by storm. With the help of other area businesses, the Town of Culpeper, and many volunteers, the race was a huge success. In 2007, the Soap Box Derby of Culpeper increased participation to 119 drivers, and is now ranked "2nd Largest Derby in the World."
PO Box 108
Brandy Station , VA 22714