People Helping People of Fauquier County, Inc.

People Helping People of Fauquier County, Inc.
Providing emergency financial assistance to families and individuals in Fauquier County
People Helping People of Fauquier County, Inc.
People Helping People (PHP) is an all-volunteer organization that assists low income families and families undergoing hardship due to circumstances beyond their control, such as a loss of employment, health issues, or death in the family. We pay utility bills to prevent disconnection of service and assist with paying rent/mortgage to avoid eviction from home, thereby preventing homelessness. We are a non-denominational Christian-based organization that was founded with the purpose of helping citizens of this county who are in immediate financial need. The maximum assistance over a 12-month period per family/individual is $300. This is to help overcome a temporary hardship. We do not disburse cash but make payments directly to the provider of services. In 2016, we received over $43,000 in support from grants, area churches, and individuals! This support allowed us to provide assistance to 205 families consisting of 302 individuals and 235 children. The average assistance per family was $187. In addition to financial assistance, our volunteers provided 1,053 hours of support to People Helping People. Help us provide emergency financial assistance to people in Fauquier County.
34 Beckham Street
Warrenton, VA 20188