Madison Free Clinic

Madison Free Clinic
Providing free quality healthcare in Madison County
Madison Free Clinic
We are a nonprofit clinic serving the residents of Madison County who are poor and uninsured (or under-insured) with medical care, prescription services and limited dental and vision. Members of the clinic are seen in local doctor’s offices throughout the County and are able to fill their prescriptions at our local pharmacy. Our doctors, physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners, dentists, and pharmacists provide volunteer services in their own offices. Visits and prescriptions have a voluntary co-payment of three dollars. Cards are renewed every six months or sooner depending on the circumstances.
Last year, we saw 600 patients and we provided 1100 prescriptions that the State of Virginia valued at $345,499.34. We partner with our Lions Club to provide eyeglasses to our clients and with the help of Piedmont Regional Dental Clinic, we are able to provide limited dental services including cleaning and restoration. Our clinic is only open to screen and qualify patients 9 hours a week. As our fund balance increases, we are hoping to increase our dental services and screening hours.
410 North Main Street
Madison, VA 22727