Living Sky Foundation

Living Sky Foundation
Living Sky Foundation
Deeply rooted in its agrestic community, Living Sky Foundation is committed to improve the quality of rural existence through social change, peaceful resolution and public outreach, and supports continuous learning and youth leadership. A focus on self- expression, regenerative arts, mindfulness and positive values are emphasized through creative and cultural enrichment programs, environmental stewardship, and out-of-door recreation available to participants regardless of age, gender, or status levels. Through broad based, guided activity our programs are readily accessible to engage the community and support local schools, youth groups, young professionals and the elderly to help enhance the quality of life and well being.
We educate, motivate and inspire individuals to achieve optimum well-being and a purposeful existence through a conscious reconnect with nature - Living Sky Foundation
PO Box 122
Washington, VA 22747
$10 allows child age 6-12 to participate in a monthly art program
$20 delivers our educational material of peaceful resolution to 1 international country
$50 supplies educational materials for 6 months of creative and cultural programming
$75 funds 1 year of ongoing training for volunteers and youth service
$100 funds 1 month of public access to our featured programming and mission
$300 allows 1 student /emerging artist can receive mentoring for 1 year
$500 allows us to implement one new program