Goose Creek Association

Goose Creek Association
Protecting and preserving the Goose Creek Watershed
Goose Creek Association
Our mission is to protect and preserve the Goose Creek Watershed and surrounding land and natural resources which run through Fauquier and Loudoun Counties. We do this by monitoring the water quality of streams, tracking data throughout seasons, and coordinating a number of huge tree plantings in the riparian buffer areas along Goose Creek in both counties. Since 2012, we have coordinated these plantings with local schools and students. In total, we have planted over 10,000 trees.
We educate the public through presentations and community meetings and advocate at the local and state level. Additionally, we sponsor a number of children to attend summer watershed and conservation camps as well as local historical camps. We also work with other local conservation groups in a concerted effort for preservation, awareness and advocacy. We appreciate your support and encourage you to learn more about our organization.
P.O. Box 1178
Middleburg, VA 20137
$20 funds equipment for our volunteer stream monitors
$50 funds trees for the "Goose Creek Challenge" (riparian buffer plantings)
$100 helps fund summer camps for young conservationists
$1,000 helps fund our on-going community education programs and venue costs