Culpeper Hospital Auxiliary

Culpeper Hospital Auxiliary
Culpeper Hospital Auxiliary
The Culpeper Hospital Auxiliary supports and assists UVA Culpeper Hospital in its work to achieve optimal health for our community and other health care initiatives. We strive to support the improvement of health and well-being of the communities UVA Culpeper Hospital serves. Auxiliary volunteers pledge to do their work faithfully, diligently and willingly. Volunteers can serve in many roles: Admissions/Escort/Reception Desk: greet, escort, and assist incoming patients; Coffee shop: prepare and serve fast foods to visitors and staff; Emergency department: provide supplemental support to Emergency Department staff, patients, and visitors; Floor service: assist nursing staff with patient care; Gift shop: assist customers and stock shelves in our retail shop; Knitting and sewing: make baby caps and wheelchair/walker accessories for patients; pet therapy: escort and assist therapy dogs and their handlers as they visit patients and staff; Surgical waiting area: act as a liaison between family members waiting for someone in surgery and the hospital staff; and Thrift shop: assist in the retail thrift shop with clothing and household items for sale. Volunteer close to home, close to heart.