Culpeper Felines & Friends

Culpeper Felines & Friends
Culpeper Felines & Friends
We are dedicated to improving the lives of companion animals in Culpeper County by finding permanent homes and by controlling overpopulation. We transfer healthy and adoptable cats from the local shelter and find homes for them through Petsmart and our foster homes. We offer Trap-Neuter-Return services to County residents who are feeding outdoor cats, want to keep them and can't afford to fix them. Through our SAM Program (Spay A Mom), we offer FREE spays to anyone that is willing to keep the "Mom" cat and surrender a litter of kittens to the shelter. While we provide low-cost Spay/Neuter services to owned house cats, we have also provided free spay/neuter services to 397 "Community Cats" that lived in Culpeper County. These cats were either free roaming colony cats that had a caregiver or they were friendly cats that we sterilized through one of our programs in an effort to reduce unwanted animals being surrendered to the local Shelter. We adopted 268 cats into new loving homes and combined with the 397 "Community Cats", Culpeper Felines & Friends was able to assist 665 cats in a positive way. Help us protect Culpeper County's cats.
PO Box 533
Culpeper, VA 22701